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- Discus Fish
Albino Full Platinum Discus 5”
- $130.00
- Common Names Discus Fish, Discus, Pompadour fish Family Cichlidae Origin South America, Amazon river Diet Omnivore Care Level Advanced Activity Slow to Moderate Lifespan 10-15 years Temperament Peaceful Tank Level Middle Minimum Tank Size 75 gallon Temperature Range 82°-89°F (28°-32°C) Water Hardness 1 to 4 dKH pH Range 6.0 – 6.5 (for most varieties) Filtration/Water Flow Low Water Type Freshwater…
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- Pleco Fish
Super Red Pleco 1.5in
- $9.97
- Parameter Optimum Range Temperature Tropical (60F – 80F or 15c – 25c) pH Neutral (6.5 – 7.5) Hardiness 20-25 Oxygen Levels High Minimum Tank Size 10 Gallons
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- Pleco Fish
Long Fin Blue Eyes Pleco 1.5in
- $15.97
- Parameter Optimum Range Temperature Tropical (60F – 80F or 15c – 25c) pH Neutral (6.5 – 7.5) Hardiness 20-25 Oxygen Levels High Minimum Tank Size 10 Gallons
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- Pleco Fish
Chocolate Pleco – Yellow Tail – 1.5in
- $8.99
- Parameter Optimum Range Temperature Tropical (60F – 80F or 15c – 25c) pH Neutral (6.5 – 7.5) Hardiness 20-25 Oxygen Levels High Minimum Tank Size 10 Gallons
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- Shrimp
Cardinal Shrimp – Mix Pack of 10
- $59.97
- Caridina cantonensis, the bee shrimp, is a species of small freshwater shrimp in the family Atyidae. It is native to Taiwan. These shrimp are scavengers, and eat small pieces of decayed vegetation and algae. Bee shrimp have a life span of about 18 months. They enjoy a temperature in the 70 to 78 °F range
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- Discus Fish
Daisy Leopard Discus 3.5in
- $80.00
- Common Names Discus Fish, Discus, Pompadour fish Family Cichlidae Origin South America, Amazon river Diet Omnivore Care Level Advanced Activity Slow to Moderate Lifespan 10-15 years Temperament Peaceful Tank Level Middle Minimum Tank Size 75 gallon Temperature Range 82°-89°F (28°-32°C) Water Hardness 1 to 4 dKH pH Range 6.0 – 6.5 (for most varieties) Filtration/Water Flow Low Water Type Freshwater…
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- Guppy Fish
Irovy Guppy
- $24.97 – $39.97
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- Food & Medicine
Indian Almond Leaves- Pack of 10 leaves
- $6.97
- The antibacterial and antifungal properties of Indian almond leaves are the number one reason why you should add them to your aquarium in the first place. Once you add a suitable amount of Indian almond leaves to your aquarium, they'll act as a natural remedy for your fish to cure any infections they might have. When added to your aquarium, an Indian…
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- Bottom tank fish
Axolotl – Leucistic – Breeding size 9in
- $119.97
- Axolotl Facts Common Name (s) Axolotl, Mexican Salamander, Mexican Walking Fish Scientific Name Ambystoma mexicanum Family Name Ambistomatidae Genus Name Ambystoma Range Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco in Mexico Adult Size 6 to 18 inches in length 5 to 12 ounces Lifespan 10 to 15 years Similar Species/Popular Alternatives Tiger Salamander, Fire-Bellied Toad
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- Discus Fish
Super Red Rose Discus 3.5”
- $80.00
- Common Names Discus Fish, Discus, Pompadour fish Family Cichlidae Origin South America, Amazon river Diet Omnivore Care Level Advanced Activity Slow to Moderate Lifespan 10-15 years Temperament Peaceful Tank Level Middle Minimum Tank Size 75 gallon Temperature Range 82°-89°F (28°-32°C) Water Hardness 1 to 4 dKH pH Range 6.0 – 6.5 (for most varieties) Filtration/Water Flow Low Water Type Freshwater…
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- Discus Fish
Yellow Checkerboard Pigneon Discus 3.5”
- $70.00
- Common Names Discus Fish, Discus, Pompadour fish Family Cichlidae Origin South America, Amazon river Diet Omnivore Care Level Advanced Activity Slow to Moderate Lifespan 10-15 years Temperament Peaceful Tank Level Middle Minimum Tank Size 75 gallon Temperature Range 82°-89°F (28°-32°C) Water Hardness 1 to 4 dKH pH Range 6.0 – 6.5 (for most varieties) Filtration/Water Flow Low Water Type Freshwater…
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- Discus Fish
Blue Turquoise Discus 3.5”
- $70.00
- Common Names Discus Fish, Discus, Pompadour fish Family Cichlidae Origin South America, Amazon river Diet Omnivore Care Level Advanced Activity Slow to Moderate Lifespan 10-15 years Temperament Peaceful Tank Level Middle Minimum Tank Size 75 gallon Temperature Range 82°-89°F (28°-32°C) Water Hardness 1 to 4 dKH pH Range 6.0 – 6.5 (for most varieties) Filtration/Water Flow Low Water Type Freshwater…
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- Discus Fish
Red Alenquer Discus 3.5”
- $70.00
- Common Names Discus Fish, Discus, Pompadour fish Family Cichlidae Origin South America, Amazon river Diet Omnivore Care Level Advanced Activity Slow to Moderate Lifespan 10-15 years Temperament Peaceful Tank Level Middle Minimum Tank Size 75 gallon Temperature Range 82°-89°F (28°-32°C) Water Hardness 1 to 4 dKH pH Range 6.0 – 6.5 (for most varieties) Filtration/Water Flow Low Water Type Freshwater…
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- Aquarium plants
- $4.99
- Jungle Vallisneria is an incredibly hardy background plant that can grow to an impressive height! Jungle Vallisneria (Vallisneria americana) is a very attractive, yet hardy and undemanding plant that is ideal for the larger aquarium. It is one of the most long- and often-kept plant species in the aquarium hobby due to its ease of care and durability. It is a…
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- Aquarium plants
Dwarf Aquarium Lily Plants
- $9.99
- Dwarf Aquarium Lily is a great, easy lily plant. Do not bury the bulb, only the roots. Dwarf Aquarium Lily is a hog though, and it will absorb a lot of nutrients. Be careful and make sure you are dosing fertilizer so the other plants will have that available to them. Dwarf Aquarium Lily will send up new leaves that will…
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- Aquarium plants
- $9.97
- Water sprite is an amazing stem plants that can be propagated easy through trimming stems and replanting in the substrate. Water sprite is easy to care for and a great plant to help protect fry. It grows fast and can easily fill in areas of an aquascape. Water sprite can also be used as a floating plant. You will receive…
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- Aquarium plants
Cryptocoryne Lucens Plants
- $4.97
- Common Name: Crypt Lucens Crypt lucens is a less common type of crypt that can serve as an ideal foreground or midground plant. The slender leaves are bright green with brown stems and when grown in large groups can resemble tall reeds of thick grass. Like other crypts, this plant is recommended for beginners due to its ease in keeping and…
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- Aquarium plants
Crypt Cordata Plants
- $5.97
- This type of crypto is native to South Thailand, West Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo. The varieties have leaves that can be quite diverse in shape and color. This kind of cordata has narrower leaves than the prevalent heart-shaped type. The top side of the leaf has an eye-catching dark veins and the underside is reddish. Cryptocoryne cordata grows best in…
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- Aquarium plants
Radican Sword (Echinodorus Cordifolius) PLANT
- $4.97
- Radican Sword (Echinodorus Cordifolius) LIVE AQUARIUM PLANT Echinodorus Cordifolius: also known as the Sword plants or the Creeping Burhead, is a Rosette plant that may grow to 20 inches in height. Its leaves are stemmed and are a vibrant green in appearance. The Radican Sword may also produce long-stemmed, floating leaves. It is an amphibious plant & will grow either…
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- Aquarium plants
Chain Sword Plants
- $4.50
- Carpeting Plant Easy to Grow Spreads Quickly Dwarf chain sword or pygmy chain sword is one of the easiest carpeting plants. It grows to about 4 inches tall and has a grassy appearance. It will thrive if given medium to high lighting and will fill in pretty fast once it gets established. Dwarf chain sword will self-propagate by sending out…
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- Aquarium plants
Java Fern Mat Plants
- $16.97
- Common Name: Java Fern Microsorum Pteropus ***Every live plant is unique. Height and shape of mat will vary.*** Java fern is one of the most popular aquarium plants in the hobby due to it’s beauty and easy care. They can grow in low light conditions and a wide range of water parameters. The mini version is perfect for any tank…
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- Aquarium plants
Bunches Hornwort Plants
- $4.97
- Hornwort, Ceratophyllum demersum, is one of the most popular aquarium plants in the trade. Hornwort, or Coontail as it is more commonly referred to is able to tolerate a wide range of aquatic conditions which is the reason for its popularity. Ceratophyllum demersum is also very common is the water garden industry where it is used as an oxygenating plant…
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- Aquarium plants
Ludwigia Ovalis
- $4.97
- Common Name: Oval Ludwigia Oval Ludwigia is an easy plant to keep, making it a great option for tank geeks who want to add color to their aquascape without the hassle associated with the colorful plants. These plants are ideal for the front zones of the tank. Their vivid color creates a superb focal point. Oval ludwigia plants have oval…
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